Casting Directors

Reasons to Send Postcards to Casting Directors

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Casting directors need to know and recall performers in order to call them in for auditions if they want to cast them in film and television roles. A cheap approach to staying in touch with them is through postcards. Here are five reasons why sending postcard mailings to casting directors is an excellent marketing strategy:

It costs less to send postcards than headshots

Currently, sending an entire 8×10 headshot along with your résumé and cover letter costs roughly $1. It costs about 28 cents to post a postcard. Additionally, printing postcards rather than headshots is less expensive.

In other words, for the same price you pay for a headshot, you could reach casting directors three more times with a postcard stamps. You get a lot of marketing bang for your dollar with postcards.

The casting director sees your photo from the postcard right away

Your name and face are on the casting director’s desk the day after your postcards are delivered, crossing their desk. Before someone may see your photo and credits, a headshot needs to be opened and taken out of the envelope. That is also advantageous because they might retain a record of it. However, it is more expensive, and they won’t notice it right away.

A photo postcard ensures that your message is succinct, to the point, and brief

In the acting industry, work comes and goes. You can have a run of excellent gigs followed by a dry spell. Postcards provide you the opportunity to highlight one or two significant bits of news to let the casting directors know about right now rather than having to stuff a letter full of exciting news.

Additionally, a postcard mailing enables you to maximize the credits already shown on your resume if you don’t have as many as others. You can choose the one juicy, most appealing aspect of yourself as there isn’t enough space to write your entire life story on the postcard.

Your photo postcard will be seen by a lot more people

Many other professionals in the field, in addition to the casting directors themselves, visit their offices and could notice your postcard laying around. It might also capture the attention of a casting assistant, who often advances to become a casting director. 

The idea is that you never know who might stumble across your postcard, start to get to know you, or even have a role that you would be ideal for.

Increased marketing frequency with less work

Here is a brief business statistic to assist you to comprehend the significance of self-promotion over time. On average, it takes five to seven interactions with a person before they agree to do business. And that assumes that they are keeping track of you after each touch.

Additionally, it is five times simpler to persuade an existing client to work with you once more than it is to attract a brand-new client. In Hollywood, it’s ten or twenty times simpler to do business with someone who knows you than with someone who doesn’t. Therefore, getting to know the directors is crucial.


If you want to get calls when it comes to marketing to casting directors, you must continuously put your face in front of them. This is true whether or not you have an agent. As many casting directors as you need to get in touch with in a single month won’t ever be reached by your agent. Yes, casting directors do occasionally call candidates directly for auditions. Therefore, whether you have an agent or not, start promoting yourself to casting directors.

The more times you email the casting director your photo over time, the more probable it is that they will remember you, bring you in for an audition, and hire you. Additionally, it’s imperative that you stay in touch with casting directors if they have engaged you. It will be much simpler to convince them to hire you once more than it will be to convince a new casting director to do so.