Suggestions for Your Leather Massage Chair

8 Suggestions to Take Care of Your Leather Massage Chair

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Needless to say, owning a massage chair at home is a wise decision. These therapeutic pieces of technology are capable of providing tremendous amounts of benefits implying that the massage chair might be used several times a day thus, keeping your massage chair in pristine condition is an integral part of best results.

Firstly, keep an eye whenever you search for Massage chairs near me on the internet, because it’s not just about the maintenance of your chair but also buying a premium quality chair that requires maintenance least.

Purchasing a massage chair is quite an investment in itself so it’s essential that you get what you pay for.

Once, you are satisfied with your purchase and start using your massage chair on a daily or weekly basis, you should take care of your massage chair, especially if it’s a leather one, to save it from all potential types of damages.

In order to keep that otherworldly massage feeling you it is important to skim through the rundown of these practical maintenance tips shared below:

Use Appropriate Power Cable

This might seem a bit vague at first but usage of the right type of power cable can have a massive impact on the working of your massage chair. Thus, make sure that the right power cable is being used and that too in the right socket. Usually, a massage chair comes with an adapter and power cable rightly fitted for its usage.

Do not use any other power cable or adapter as this might damage the interior circuit of the massage chair or in case the cable or adapter is damaged, contact the vendor of the chair. Moreover, it is always a wise decision to keep a factory-made adapter and power cable as a spare to use as a backup.

Don’t Squeeze Yourself in the Massage Chair

Please ensure to select and buy the chair that is appropriate for your weight and size. There is a range of massage chairs in the market that are suitable for a different types of weight.

Fortunately, nowadays most massage chairs come with a high weight threshold, however, it is always a great idea to double-check the weight capacity of the chair before buying it.

Moreover, make sure not to squeeze yourself within the massage chair or make 2 people use the massage chair at the same time as it can crumble the massage chair.

Leave Mechanical Maintenance for the Experts

Unlike other techy gadgets in the market, a good quality massage chair doesn’t require mechanical maintenance most of the time as it comes with self-sustaining technical features.

Nevertheless, in some situations the massage chair could fall into some mechanical issues, therefore in such scenarios never try to mess with the machinery or circuit of the chair all by yourself as these chairs are made with complicated designs.

Rather, call the vendor or the manufacturer of the chair as it is better to leave some things on the experts.

Always use a Surge Protector

A massage chair is most likely an expensive piece of technology that must be connected to a surge protector. It is no fact that electricity is the most unpredictable thing that can easily be impacted by the most unpredictable elements such as the weather.

Buying a surge protector for your massage chair is a small investment that can save you a hectic amount of money later down the road.

Clean the Upholstery Regularly

Cleaning the upholstery as part of massage chair maintenance is a crucial part that must be considered. Massage chairs nowadays come with 2 types of upholstery that are cleaned in different ways:

Leather Upholstery: The complicated one is the leather upholstery comes with natural leather and the other with synthetic leather. For cleaning, you need not use fabric cleaner or detergent rather just simply use a damp piece of cloth.

Moreover, oils or perspirations can cause damage to synthetic leather so it’s better to use a soft duster or sponge.

Fabric Upholstery: Comparative to leather upholstery, fabric one is easier to clean as using organic fabric cleaners can simply clean the dirt in a matter of seconds.

Keep the Leather Polished

Leather can turn old and appear dull after long-term usage whether it’s natural or synthetic. From keeping the leather of your chair look good as new, polish it regularly using a leather conditioner.

Keeping Chair Away from Sunlight

It’s no secret that the UV rays of sunlight can cause a lot of damage to almost any surface they get in contact with.

Thus, a massage chair with leather upholstery can take a lot of damage if exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, cracking the leather.

While direct exposure to sunlight might not cause any mechanical damage to the leather massage chair it might make your expensive piece of technology look old and trashy.

Observe the Chair Sounds

As your leather massage chair operates on electricity, always observe the sounds it make while its mechanical parts are operating.

Any major unusual sound like grinding or missing a massage feature indicates that something unstable is going on with your massage chair and you must notify the expert on time before your chair takes any major damage.

Taking care of your leather massage chair comes in the second phase whereas, buying a premium quality massage chair is the first and foremost phase. At Kollecktiv, we provide massage chairs that are made up of the highest quality leather available in the market.

Furthermore, Kollecktiv Leather Massage Chair comes with an operational warranty as well as expert service so that you won’t have to fuss about the great care of your massage chair.

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