app marketing services


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In today’s technologically advanced world, if you are not digital you don’t exist. People expect their favourite brands to have a strong digital presence. This has now come to include a mobile presence. People expect you to have an app. Most of your consumers use their mobile devices to search for products, look for answers to their problems and to generally interact with brands. This is something that you cannot ignore anymore. If you still don’t have a business app, you must start thinking about it NOW.

The question that arises here is whether to hire an outside mobile development and marketing agency or do it in-house. You are already taking care of your business marketing. Why can’t you take care of your app marketing in the same way? There are several factors to consider before answering this question. You have to consider things like ASO (app store optimization), mobile user acquisition, and more. That is why we are going to list down some of the reasons why we think you should hire a mobile app marketing agency rather than doing it in-house.

1. Powerful Media Purchasing

The very first thing that comes to mind when we talk about app marketing is media buying. Media buying refers to the process of finding the best and most effective ad spaces for your app and the negotiations and arrangements that come with it. It is a time taking process and it takes up a lot of time, energy, and money.

When going for media buying, you are better off letting someone handle it that has experience in it. Marketing agencies that offer app marketing services do this daily for multiple clients. They know which platforms to choose for a client depending on the industry, budget, target audience and more. They have entire teams that work solely for this purpose. Working for multiple clients also gives them an edge. They can get a better price for ad space as they are regularly in contact with that platform and have developed a good working relationship. This will enable you to place your ads in the most effective places at cheaper rates.

2. Fresh Insight and Thinking Outside the Box

One of the reasons why you should hire a marketing agency for your app instead of hiring an in-house team is that sometimes the team might end up hitting a blank wall. That is because they handle a single project for a long time. This reduces their ability to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative ways of doing their work. They might lose sight of the big picture. Or they might miss out on some little important detail. That is why working with an agency is a better deal. They can provide you with fresh insights. They can step back and look at the big picture. They can go in-depth and pay attention to every little detail about the project.

The agency you hire will have teams that consist of different people from different backgrounds. When these people come together, they can provide top of the line suggestions as well as feedback that you might have been missing.

Also, since they are up and up on the latest news and trends of the industry, they might know things that you don’t know and help you avoid a host of trouble. This can give you a clear edge over your competitors who are working with in-house teams.

3. App Store Optimization

This is one of the most important steps in any app marketing strategy. You get more than 60% of your customers through app store searches. If your app is not showing in the results, you can lose a lot of your target audience. That is where a marketing agency comes into play. They know the app store’s algorithms like the back of their hands. Whether it is the Apple App Store or the Google Play store, they will know exactly what strategies to implement to increase your app’s reach and bring in organic traffic.

They know which tools to work with and can conduct industry-specific, detailed keyword research for your app’s marketing strategy. They know how to conduct A/B tests to find out which strategy is working and which one isn’t.

You, on the other hand, will be getting timely reports about your app and you can make better decisions based on these marketing reports.

4. Overall Synergy

Even if we don’t look at the nitty-gritty of your app marketing strategy, we have to admit that working with an app marketing service can provide you with a lot of relief. You will have all their experience, skills, and knowledge behind you and that will help you increase your app visibility, app download, and more. These are experts who do this for a living and they keep themselves up to date with the latest happenings so that they can provide you with the best and most effective services.


We know how fast the digital world is evolving. The same is true for mobile apps. For you to stay relevant and in touch with your customers, you need a team that can market your app according to the latest trends and ensure visibility. Hiring an app marketing agency can give you the leverage you need to reach all your customers no matter where they are and keep them close to you.