If you are in the management domain, it is essential to acquire a robust certification that will speak for your expertise. A PMP certification is indeed a great way to obtain the required knowledge regarding project management and handling.
One of the significant questions that people fiddle with regarding project management training is whether they qualify for this certification.
It is quite simple to answer this question, and you just have to ask yourself whether you are creating something new such as a service, product, system, process, etc. If your answer is yes, then you are eligible for a project management certification course.
Irrespective of your designation, you can enroll yourself in PMP certification courses. The only thing that matters is what you do or have done to qualify for the course. You need to evaluate your history and examine the type of work done in the past.
If you have a hard time understanding everything, this article will help you understand the requirements to qualify for the PMP certification.
What Is The Type of Work That Qualifies?
A project management certification course will typically ask for your experience, depending on your projects. However, this does not provide you with the audacity to give false information regarding your experience.
It will be a serious ethical breach if your experience is found to be false. It can bar you from obtaining any PMP certification courses ever. Random audits are conducted to select people who have authenticated their experience.
You have to provide evidence of the educational background, project, and other vital details regarding your work experience. It is also imperative to show your 35 hours of professional development in order to appear for the exam.
If you succeed in providing all the mentioned documents and evidence and your project passes the verification process, you can pursue the course.
How many experiences Should You Have To Get PMP Certification?
It is essential to understand how much experience you actually need for qualifying. Suppose you have a four-year college degree. You would need to show 4500 hours of project works. Also, you need to prove that your project was conducted over a period of three years.
Both are two different requirements, volume (4500 hours) and duration (3 years). You need to satisfy both the requirements in order to qualify.
Suppose you have worked on your project for 4500 hours that lasted for three years. You may have satisfied both the requirements, but you should know that they are distinct. You can go above 4500 hours but still not reach the three years duration.
So, if you work on two different projects at the same time for two years, you need to showcase the right time duration and volume. You work for 5000 hours with 3000 hours on Project A and 2000 hours for Project B. Even though both projects meet the volume requirement, only one of them will be qualified for the certification.
That’s what you need to understand regarding the qualification for PMI certification. Your experience should not be overlapping, so you should accurately mix up your experience in order to get qualified.
What If You Don’t Have A Four-Years College Degree?
If you have a diploma or degree which is less than 4-years, you can still have your certificate. However, the total experience would increase. Instead of 4500 hours, you will have to showcase project work for 7500 hours. All the other requirements will remain the same as the above.
Additionally, you also need to show that you have followed the same process for completing the process. You need to divide your project work into five groups: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, controlling, and closing.
Your final project will be verified for all these components before it can be qualified for the project management certification and PMP Certification in Denver is use for this purpose.
The Bottom Line
Before applying for the PMP examination, you need to count your experience. All your focus should be on creating something new with your project in order to get selected. Make sure that you create a project worthy enough for qualifying. Take note of the eligibility guidelines before applying. Conduct thorough research before trusting an institute for certification.
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