
Best Ways To Decorate Small Spaces in Animal Crossing New Horizons

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game in which you can make your own little world, however you see fit. You can make your island paradise anything you want it to be — maybe a beach-y oasis, or an isolated winter wonderland. There are tons of possibilities!

It’s impossible to fill every area of your heart island with important features. After you’ve built up the major parts of your heart island, there will be small parts/spaces that you might not think are large enough to hold anything useful. In fact, they’re perfect for filling with great Animal Crossing design ideas to add more value!

1. A Private Picnic Spot

If you’ve built an outdoor area for your citizens to relax in — or even if you haven’t — you might want to add a little something extra for them. We’ve seen two fun ways to do this. While it won’t actually matter what the extras are, villagers will be so darn cute using them!

2. ACNH Laundry Pole

Adding a laundry room to your bedroom is an adorable way to make it both functional and delightful. And that’s just how we like it here at The Sims™ 3! But laundry isn’t always the funnest part of a day — so we added the washing machine and dryer in the bathroom, too. Now you can wash and dry your clothes right by the bathtub.

Sometimes, your island will be missing that one crucial thing that makes it different from all the other islands. There might be a few rocks on the ground, but nothing to use to attract customers looking for a place to call home. Some islands have washing machines for sale by the side of the road, but only one lonely washing machine exists on a different island.

3. Isolated Beach Spa

Sometimes, putting popular things together can be a recipe for success! This beach house is one such combination. Break down the walls to make it your own, and add ingredients to taste! A little bit of everything goes a long way when done right — but you already knew that. There’s no reason you couldn’t transplant this house into other places: floating on the river or in the desert are just two of many examples.

4. Get a Centrepiece & Decorate it

Landscaping is a business that’s easy to learn, but hard to master. Some would say that it is one of the most intricate professions, like medicine or law. Because all sorts of variables can be at play in a garden or lawn, ensuring that your yard stays pristine takes care and attention, not just a list of things to do each week.

It’s easy to begin your item search, but it’s even easier to get lost. Take the time to plan out your ideas before diving into the details. Doing so means that you’ll be able to visualize your completed piece before deciding if you want to move forward on it. Consider how you’d like to work with color, texture and pattern. 

5. Did You Forget About A Pond?

Do you have a pond on your island? It’s a place often forgotten, but it’s important because you can catch goldfish there! If you’re looking to fill up some space, why not turn it into the pond you keep forgetting to include? Goldfish are pretty cool little guys — just don’t let them get too big or have any running water at all, because the game will start thinking that river is actually your pond.

6. Just Add A Table And Chairs

The bedroom is a great place to start, as it offers the least amount of visual clutter. Just like The Container Store said:   One mistake that designers make is putting too much in the bedroom. The bedroom should be for sleep, romance and sex only because when you come to the bedroom, you want to get in there and shut the door. If people are looking at things in your room all day long, what does that say about you?

7. Add A Garden

Animal Crossing fans rejoice; your favourite game is getting a ‘2.0’ makeover for the latest edition! That means you’ll have access to more items, more buildings and more areas to decorate! Here are a few of the most adorable items that you can use to create an animal-friendly haven for yourself or your friends.

8. Open a Bike Stop For Villagers

There’s something magical about the way the light hits a bicycle. It’s something that makes the natives stop in their tracks, and stare. Perhaps it’s their memories of a simpler life? Or perhaps they’re just bored with their care-free lifestyles? Either way, they’ll be stopping and staring when you add bicycles to your town — and honestly, who can blame them? There is something indescribably beautiful about bicycles.

This might sound a little backwards but the best way to create a natural looking path is to actually just … nature it up. There are a few ways to do this and while they may seem like they are going against your instincts as an artist, they really work and look amazing!

9. Floating Islands

You’d be surprised (and delighted!) at what you might find in the wild! Just because it’s “flat” doesn’t mean you can’t make it feel a little more alive. Sometimes the flat grassland, no matter how many items you add, just won’t swim. Try adding some teeny floating islands and rivers!

This is a good example of turning an idea into a reality! Already, the community has stepped in to help turn this map into something good. A group of people have made some custom designs for a walkway, and the creator has added the paths around some floating islands. The creator even uses different resources to add islands or mountains, making their map unique and interesting! There is room for your own ideas, too.

10. Take Up Beekeeping

There are so many ways to decorate your small living space, and you can really use the Flick Bee Decorating Kit to find your own style. Here is a great example of how the set can be used — if you’re looking for even stronger yellow accents, then take a look at this design! For more ideas, just check out the entire gallery on our blog. Then get out there and start decorating!

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