Top 7 Travel Attention & Distinctions in Natore, Bangladesh

Top 7 Travel Attention & Distinctions in Natore, Bangladesh

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Natore is a small district in the Rajshahi Division of Bangladesh. There is a whole lot of eyebrows here in Natore, the king of the king.

The well-known people of Natore’s Banalta Sen of Jivananda Das are very well known but the tyrants of the tradition, the memory of the former kings, and queens.

The archaeological remains of Natore stand as silent witnesses holding the golden days of antiquity and history. Among them Dighapatia Rajbari, Rani Bhabani Rajbari.

Dariampur Rajbari, Queen Maria of Banpara Lurda Maria Dharmapalli, Borni Mariyabad Dharmapalli are quite popular as well as many tourists also attend the martyr, Chalan Bil, Youth Park, Halti Bil, Padma Char of Lalpur, Chalanbil Museum.

1.Uttara Ganabhaban – Natore

Dighapatia Rajbari or Uttara Ganabhaban is the residence of the one-time Dighapatia Maharaj, about two and a half kilometers from Natore city of Bangladesh and the present Uttara Ganabhaban or the Government House of the Northern Territory. King Dayaram Roy built the central part of the palace and some adjoining buildings. During the reign of the sixth king of the dynasty, Pramda Nath Rai organized a three-day session of the Bengal Provincial Congress at Dompara ground in Natore on 7 June.

Many well-known people, including the World Poet Rabindranath Tagore, were invited as guests. On the last day of the session, on June 12, a great earthquake that lasted about 5 minutes, the palace was destroyed. Later, King Pramada Nath Roy rebuilt the castle on 5 acres of land with the help of foreign experts, engineers, and painters and indigenous artists for a period of 3 years from 1 to 5 years. Stairs and high walls surround the 3-and-a-half-acre palace.

The massive gate at the entrance to the Uttara Ganabhaban is an enormous stone clock. King Dayaram brought the watch from England at that time. There is a big bell next to the clock. At one time, this bell was heard from afar. Inside the palace, there are gatherings and ceremonies of many ancient and rare species of trees. This is where the flowers, which are decorated with the decoration of the National Monument of Dhaka, are in Brownie and Caucasia.

In addition to the other trees, there are Raj-Ashoka, Saurabhi, Parijat, Hapabamali, Kapur, Haritaki, Yashtamudhu, Madhvi, Tarajhara, Micas, Sapphire, Hymanti, and some rare species of fruits and medicinal trees. In the palace, there is the greatness of these trees on the hillside or the lake. Around the entrance to the castle are the mansions which surround the palace: a vast field and rose garden on one side with public office. The two-story yellow building is known as the Kumar Palace. The lower floor was used as a torsional. There is a ground floor office. The four cannons of the time were observed. The duration of the artillery was five years.

A sculpture of the zamindar Dayaram in the garden adjacent to the vast royal palace symbolizes his memory. There are two other buildings, including an auditorium in the castle. Car garage is separate in the middle of all the installations. Inside the palace, there are several useful items. Within the building, there are museums, many spectacular monuments, sculptures, and magnificent architecture. The Italian Garden is the most significant part of the Uttara Ganabhaban.

To the east of the castle, there is a pyramid-shaped four-story entrance that is narrowed to the top and a clock above it. Like the other feudal palaces of medieval Bangladesh, there are grand entrances to the palace of Natore, with the convenience of bottle palms on both sides. The historic Dighapatiya Rajbari of Natore is now the Uttara Ganabhaban. The Dighapatia royal palace, known as the Uttara Ganabhaban of Natore, has been built for nearly three hundred years.

One of the oldest historical landmarks of Bangladesh is the Uttara Ganabhaban of Natore Dighapatia. Dayaram Roy was the founder of the Dighapatia dynasty. He was a Deewan on the personal side of Ram Rajiv, the King of Natore. Due to Rayama Roy’s outstanding role in the rise of the Raja of Natore, around 8 King Rama gave him some land in Dighapatia for accommodation as a gift of life. Later, after becoming the zamindar and king, in 5, Dairam Raj established the Dighapatia dynasty.

After the partition of the country in 9, Pratibha Nath Roy, the last king of Dighapatia, left the country. From this time, the Dighapatiya Rajbari is in an abandoned state. In 5, the then government of Pakistan acquired the palace. It was converted into the then Governor’s House on 23 July. After independence, Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared it as Uttara Ganabhaban. He called for a cabinet meeting on February 8, 2012, at the main palace of the building. From there, the building gained the real status of ‘Uttara Ganabhaban.’

After the partition of the country in 9, Dighapatia Raja left India and went to India. After the acquisition of zamindari and republication law in year 3, the maintenance of the palace of Dighapatiya became a problem. To solve the problem, the Maharaja of Dighapatiya inaugurated the residence of the then East Pakistan Governor Abdul Monayem Khan as the Governor’s House of Dighapatia on 23 July. Later, on February 7, 2012, when Bangladesh became independent, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman changed its name to Uttara Ganabhaban.

2.Natore Rajbari – Natore

Natore Rajbari is a palace located in Natore Sadar Upazila of Bangladesh, which is a relic of the Natore dynasty. The NATO dynasty originated at the beginning of the eighteenth century. In 8, Ganesh Roy and Bhabani Charan Chowdhury, the zamindars of the pargana Bangaachi, failed to pay the revenue. Dewan Raghunandan landed in the name of his brother Ram Jeevan.

Thus was the fall of the Natore dynasty. King Ram Jeevan was established as the first king of the Natore dynasty in 9 and the 5th. He died in 5. In 8, Rani Bhavani was married to Ramkant, the adopted son of King Ram Jivan. After the death of King Rama, Ramakanta became the king of Natore. After the death of King Ramakanta in 5, Nawab Alivardi Khan entrusted the management of the zamindari over Rani Bhabani.

During the reign of Rani Bhavani, her zamindari extended to present-day Rajshahi, Pabna, Bogra, Kushtia, Jessore, Rangpur, Murshidabad, Birbhum, Malda districts of West Bengal. Raghunandan, Ram Jeevan, and scholars selected the bill of the then Bhatjhara to establish the capital of the large zamindari in his native land. Bhatjhara’s proposal was the property of King Dorparnarayan of Puthia.

For this reason, Raghunandan and Ramjivan Raja Dorparnarayan requested the bill to be owned by Rayati Swati. King Dorparnarayan gave the land to the new king, Brahmato. In digging digs, ponds, and outposts in the Ramjivan Bill, he made a plane and set up a palace. The area was named after Natyapur. The royal palace of Natore was built in 5-7. Raghunandan lived in Baronagar (Murshidabad).

The total area of ​​the castle is 120 acres. There are three small buildings. There are two deep ponds and three small ponds. The palace has two levels. The whole area is divided into two parts – a short side and alongside. Notable temples of Rajbari are Shamsundar Temple, Anandamayi Kalibari Temple, Tarakeswar Shiva Temple.

3. Chalan Bill-Natore

The largest in Bangladesh is the Chalan Bill. Chalan bill is located in Natore, Sirajganj and Pabna districts of North Bengal. This bill is the largest in the country, consisting of several small measures connected by different canals. The biggest Chalan bill will not disappoint in any season in Bangladesh. In the winter, guests will see birds, green villages all around in the spring and sun reflection of the sky, the sky in the rain, and the bills will blend, crossing the bill in the autumn. However, in the rainy season, the young and the poor are equipped with a Chalan bill. In the rainy season, the area becomes about 8 square kilometers.

Then the number of visitors is also abundant. The smallest bills that constitute the movement bill are Piprul, East Midnagar, Laro, Dangapara, Tajpur, Nila, Chalan, Madgaon, Briasho, Chonmohan, Shatila, Khadah, Darikshi, Kazipara, Ghazana, Barabil, Sonapatila, Ghoghidhil, Ghoghidhil, Khuzhidhil, Koghukhila, Kagukhila. And lasting. Several rivers are flowing through the Chalan bill. Notable among these are Karatoya, Atrai, Gurga, Baral, Mara Baral, Tulsi, Bhadai, Chikanai, Baronja, Telkupi, etc. After looking at the Chalan bill, you can also see the Chalanbill museum. This museum is located in the village of Hahajipur in Gurdaspur Upazila.

The local teacher Abdul Hamid has set up an extraordinary seminar in his own home at 3 in the personal effort. In addition to the various patterns, various fishing equipment found here, there are many rare collections. From Natore bus will come to Gurdaspur Upazila, and from there, you can cross the river and come to the rickshaw at this museum.

4. Chalanbill Museum – Natore

The Chalanbil Jadughar Museum is the result of the relentless labor pursuit of some educated social workers in the Chalanbil region. On September 1, the village of Durpalli village of Gurdaspur police station was set up temporarily on September 1. Shortly after its establishment, the museum was enriched with a fully private initiative, with archaeological artifacts from the historical monuments. And on July 2, the Chalanbill was made under the Museum of Archeology.

Among the hallmarks of the Museum of Chanalbil are two complete and partial Koran Sharifs and three Hadith Sharifs, including two Hadith Sharifs, three hundred and four years old, written on old cotton paper, with two Koran Sharifs written by King Alamgir and Emperor Nasiruddin. There are various research books, including Kushti stone sun god, Vishnu and Matrika statues, coins of 4 countries, postage stamps, pots, terracotta of multiple rulers, rock, etc.

5. Shaheed Sagar – Natore

Shaheed Sagar, a monument commemorating the massacre organized at the North Bengal Sugar Factory in Natore during the War of Independence in Bangladesh. It is the center of a pond whose water became red in the blood of the martyrs on 9 May. On May 7, the martyr Lt. at the martyr’s square.

Anwarul Azim’s wife Begum inaugurates Shamsunnahar memorial Before the monument there is a lush flower garden And next to it is a museum The museum was opened on May 7 And behind the monument is the pond with sad memories Everywhere on the stairs, bullets were shot, the symbol of the martyr’s blood is red. It is reported that even after several years of independence, the watercolor of this pond was frozen in the blood of the martyrs.

6. Dayarampur Rajbari, Natore

The Dighapatia dynasty occupies an essential place among the king-zamindars of Bengal. Dayaram Roy is the founder of this dynasty. His birth is still a mystery. According to some, Dayaram Roy was born in a Tilly family in the village of Kalam. When Ramjivan was a general servant under King Durpanarayan Tagore of Puthiya, Dayaram used to work for his monthly wages.

Later, he got the qualification to keep up with the cost of education, and Ramjivan appointed him a salary of Rs. Then, the affection, love, and sympathy of King Durparnarayan of Puthia, the influence of his brother Raghunandan of the Nawab government, and the good-will of the Nawab Dewan Murshid Quli Khan, when Ramjivan got his zamindari, opened his fate.

According to many people, Ramabajan reached the village of Kalam through a water channel. At that time, two boys appeared in front of the king’s boat. Having learned the words and wisdom of one of the two boys, he brought him to Natore. The boy is Dairam Roy. Dayaram Roy was born in a low-income family in the village of Kalam village of Singara police station. He is the son of Narasimha Roy of Kalam. At first, the king was a general servant of Ramajivan and until Pratibha, till the Diwan of Natore Raja. After the fall of King Sitaram Roy, Dayaram became an influential figure in the kingdom of Natore.

The defeat of Sitaram Rai increased the influence of the Nawab government and was awarded the title “Rai Raikha.” He defeated Sitaram Roy and robbed him of his valuable possessions, but handed over all the Ramajivas except the statue of Krishnaji to the goddess. He was pleased with such use of the Dayaram and donated several Parganas to a piece of land in Dighapatia to set up Krishnaji’s statue.

On the advice of Dewan Dayaram, the son of Ramakantan, Ramakanta was adopted, and his sons Ramkant and brother-in-law Devi Prasad wanted to divide the zamindari. But for the stubbornness of the goddess Prasad, the entire zamindari made a will in the name of Ramkant. By the time of Ramjivan’s death, Dayaram Roy was appointed the sole guardian of the son.

He left Ihilala at the age of 6 with three daughters, three sons, and a lot of wealth. Dewan Dayaram Roy first built the Dighapatiya Rajbari, now known as Uttara Ganabhaban. After taking over as the eldest son of Dighapatia Raja Pramthanath Roy (1-5), Pramdanath Roy 3, his younger brother Kumar Basant Kumar Rai, Kumar Sharatkumar Rai and Nandikuja Nandikuja of ‘Napati’ Nanaikuja on the banks of the river Belara for Kumar Hemendrakumar Rai. ‘Establish.

The area was named after Dayarampur, and the house was named “Dayarampur Zamidarbari,” along with their grandfather’s father, the queen of Natore, Bhavani’s extraordinarily skilled Dewan and the founder of Dighapatia dynasty. The Kadirabad Cantonment was established at this place in the name of martyr Lt. Col. Abdul Qadir, who had made a remarkable contribution to the War of Liberation.

7. Maria Dharmapalli, Queen Mother of the Banara Lord

Maria Dharmapalli, Queen of Lurda, is a Catholic mission in Banpara. The Christian governing authority is called the church or just the church in short. The main governing body of the church authority is the Vatican or Rome. An organizational activity, organized/conducted to serve and care for the general public and serving the local Christian faith, is called Dharmapalli. ‘Maria Dharmapalli, a queen mother of Ludd,’ is dedicated in memory of the maternal name of Maria, or Mary, the physical mother of the Son of God.

This village is established on the southern boundary of Natore district with a total of 5 communities, including 3 zones and two zooms of Banpara municipality of Barayagram Upazila and 2 of Madhyam union 1. On the south side of the traditional Baral river is a village called Banpara, which is a religious place for Dharmapalli. Where the first Heavenly Father Thomas Cattan (Pimé), around 9, an Italian priest arrived first and the church in the picture was established in the 5th.

In the villages under Dharmapalli, about 3,000 Catholics of Christianity live. Of Christians, 1 percent is Bengali, and 5 percent is Santal and other indigenous. Generally, Christian believers live in villages in the area, along with other sects (Islamists – Muslims and traditional religions – Hindus).

About 7 percent of the Christian believers under this apostasy are literate and 3 percent literate. Here the Christian believers live in a highly disciplined social structure. There is a social system in place to provide and manage the social benefits of the Christians in each village, and there is a representative of the people elected by the people (of the religion) who solve the social problems of the people of the town.

He also conducted forty days in need of mutual peace and harmony. Having been elected a villager, he became a member of the board of directors of the ‘Palakkiya Parishad,’ the local Mandalik administration of Dharmapalli. Generally, the chief pastor of Dharmapalli serves as the president or chairman of the parish council.

The highest rank of the general public is the vice-president. General secretaries and other office bearers were elected by secret ballot of elected representatives from different villages. The Palak Parishad takes necessary initiatives and attempts to solve various social problems of this religious community.