
Tips To Balance Blood Sugars & Hormones

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Hormone imbalance can have a number of effects on the body, from weight gain to mood swings. It is important to know how your blood sugar levels and hormones interact in order to identify any problems and handle them correctly.

How do unbalanced blood sugars impact your hormones?

Your body produces hormones that regulate many processes in your body, including the way you feel and function. When your blood sugar levels are unbalanced, it can wreak havoc on your hormones by disrupting their production. This can lead to a number of adverse health effects.

How do our blood sugar levels impact energy?

When our blood sugar levels fluctuate, this impacts the energy levels we have throughout the day. The body needs carbs to produce a good amount of energy and when there are lows, it uses its fat stores rather than glucose. There are many factors that can contribute to insulin or blood sugar levels like diet and exercise. These fluctuations can stay with us for years and be lifelong.

How do unbalanced blood sugars impact our weight?

Blood sugar is often mistakenly seen as just a measure of how much energy our body has. However, it is more than that – it is also a measure of how well our body can use and store the energy it has. When blood sugar levels are too high or too low, it can cause spikes in cravings and weight gain.

Here are some ways you can balance your blood sugar levels:

Eating right for you:

Every day we go to work, get busy, and forget to eat. It’s easy to let your blood sugar drop, which can impact your energy levels and mood. Eating small meals throughout the day will help keep your body in balance, but these quick snacks are often times sugary treats that leave us feeling guilty. Luckily, there are plenty of healthy snacks that won’t spike blood sugar or cause cravings.

1. Fruit and Oats: Fruit is a good source of antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients that support brain health while oats are a complex carb that will keep you feeling fuller longer. One bowl of oatmeal to two cups of fruit is a great combo for breakfast or as an afternoon snack after lunch.

2. Quinoa with Berries: Quinoa is a complete protein that contains all nine essential amino acids that our body can’t make on its own. This grain provides us with the power to exercise more and recover faster. One cup of quinoa to one cup of berries is the perfect amount for breakfast or as a snack.

3. Hummus: Hummus has been proven to reduce cravings while also increasing satiety. It’s a great source of plant-based protein, iron, and vitamin K. One tablespoon of hummus has about 20 calories with 2 grams of protein.

4. Banana Chips: These are a much healthier alternative to potato chips that can help curb cravings for junk food by providing plenty of fiber and antioxidants. Feel free to top them off with some nuts, seeds, or dried fruit.

5. Berry Dark Chocolate Muffins: This is a great way to indulge without feeling guilty! Plus, they are made with unsweetened chocolate so you don’t have to worry about the high sugar content of most other baked goods.

6. Chia Pudding: These little pouches are filled with nutrients and can be a great addition to many meals. It’s also an easy way to sneak in fruits and veggies!

7. Unfrosted Cinnamon Rolls: These are the perfect breakfast treat when you don’t have time for a full breakfast!

8. Coconut Flour Pancakes: Don’t knock these flours until you try them! They taste a lot like regular pancakes, but they have more of a cake-like texture.

9. Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies: A peanut butter oatmeal cookie recipe that is quick and easy to make and will satisfy your sweet tooth!

10. Mini Blueberry Muffins: The perfect little blueberry muffin for breakfast or a snack!

11. Apple Cinnamon French Toast: A delicious breakfast that is crunchy with a hint of sweetness.

12. Blueberry Breakfast Muffins: This is the perfect quick and easy breakfast treat!

Eat leafy greens:

Leafy greens are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that can help balance blood sugar. They are also a good source of fiber and protein that can help with weight loss. The following are some ways you can incorporate leafy greens into your diet:

Add leafy greens to salads, sandwiches, and soups.

Steam a stir-fry with spinach or kale.

Add kale and spinach to a smoothie.

Season some steamed broccoli with olive oil and salt for a side dish.