Shopify Plugin

The Shopify Plugins That Can Take Your Ecommerce Business High

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Are you concerned about the performance of your store? Every store owner wants to know the tricks to bring truckloads of traffic to their Shopify store that converts and increases sales with AppScenic Dropshipping Platform & B2B Marketplace. But it’s not quite that simple.

They say that running an online store is like ‘living life on the edge,’ because one silly mistake in interpreting the shoppers’ intent can affect the sales count and you might lose on sales, benefitting your competitor. Remember that your errors provide a golden opportunity for your competitor, doubling your trouble.

So, how do you increase your Shopify Store Sales while also preventing your store’s traffic from dwindling? In this article, I’ve discussed how the shopify google shopping app can help you solve this problem, as well as some bonus tips for keeping visitor traffic flowing.

Boost eCommerce Sales with FeedGeni

Product Feed Generator, also known as FeedGeni or Feed Generator, is a Shopify Product Feeds App that assists Shopify Merchants in creating, managing, and optimizing Product Feeds for popular shopping channels such as Google, Facebook, Bing, Instagram, and others.

Product Feeds are required for your store’s products to be displayed on different shopping channels. These feeds are saved in an XML or CSV file and then submitted to your preferred Marketing/Shopping channel.

So, in layman’s terms, whenever a buyer searches for a query related to any of your products, these Shopping Channels display your product as an ad, increasing the buyer’s chances of purchasing your listed product.

This Feed Generator App automates the process of generating and updating feeds, eliminating the need for manual effort. That is, there will be no human error and the product will have all of its attributes.

When there is a change in your inventory, the app automatically updates the product feeds, saving you from many unforeseen circumstances that can cost you a lot of money.

The Product Feed Generator App is the most effective tool for creating product feeds. It has assisted thousands of merchants in generating maximum sales with the least amount of manual effort.

Benefits of Product Feed Generator

Sell on over 30 different shopping channels.

The Feed Generator App is designed to work with 30+ popular shopping channels, broadening the scope and reaching buyers from all over the world who use these shopping engines.

It works with a variety of shopping channels, including Amazon Channel, Google Channel/Google Shopping Feed (All Regions), Bing Shopping, Facebook Feed, Instagram Feed, Pinterest Product Feed, Snapchat, Connexity, MyShopping, PriceMe, Pricerunner, SortPrice, Getprice, and others.

As a result, you have a plethora of channels to list your products on, allowing you to focus on your business and worry less about generating sales.

Do Bulk Editing Quickly and Easily

There may be times when you need to make changes in bulk and will require the use of a bulk editor. FeedGeni includes a bulk editor that can assist you in this process.

Whether you’re changing the price of your products or simply adding new information. Feed Generator’s powerful bulk editor makes it a breeze. Select multiple products at once and bulk edit their attributes. A time-saving feature that will save you both time and money.

Establish Inventory Regulations

You can add to your Product Feed using Inventory Rules. If Shopify does not allow you to add specific fields but those fields are required by your comparison-shopping site. You can add them by configuring the inventory rules.

As an example, consider adding Gender and Age Group. You can add the Gender and Age group fields to your product data, as well as several other fields, using Inventory rules. However, you can also use 2d barcode reader to establish the inventory regulations.

Weight Conversion

Product Feed Generator App converts weights from one unit to another using the weight conversion rule. If you’re on a shopping channel that requires a different weight unit than what’s on your Shopify store, the app will take care of it.

And the list of features goes on and on; discover all of FeedGeni’s features.

Synchronize Multiple Attributes

You should always provide complete and precise information about your products to buyers. So that they can make an informed purchasing decision. When you manually update each shopping feed. However, this precision is thrown out the window due to the high risk of human error.

Shopify rss feed addresses this issue by synchronizing the Shopping Feed Attributes. Product Categorization for specific channels, Variant Images, Product Conditions, Price, Sale Price, Gender, Age Group, Color, Size, Custom Product Details. GTIN, ISBN, Brand Name, Custom Labels, Product Types, Product & Variant IDs, and other attributes are automatically synced.

Tips to keep visitor traffic flowing to your store

#1 Search Engine Optimize Your Shopify Store

What could be better than free organic traffic flowing to your store? This is only possible if you use the right keywords and work on optimizing your store. So that search engines can find it.

Use the Shopify SEO App to assist you in optimizing your store and automatically handling all SEO issues without distracting you. SEO Doctor App comes highly recommended by us.

#2 Implement Marketing Campaigns

It is an age-old technique for enticing more and more customers through targeted marketing campaigns. Email is the most cost-effective way to reach out to your customers and entice them to return to your store.

#3 Social Media Promotion

Almost everyone who shops online nowadays is on social media. Make the most of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to establish a strong presence.

If necessary, you can enlist the assistance of influencers who will promote your brand to their followers in exchange for payment.


This is by no means a comprehensive guide to online store optimization. The intention is to spark your interest so you take the next step of your own and do more research in order to optimize your online store.

Because optimization is all about getting more visitors and converting them into loyal customers by giving them what they’re looking for. You don’t want to keep optimizing without having a goal in mind because that would be unrealistic from my experiences.