Mechanical Cleaning

Mechanical Cleaning: Fiction vs Reality

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Mechanical cleaning is the procedure that has seen almost the biggest changes in attitude over the past few years. Probably, many cosmetologists have in their practice more than one story about the consequences of unsuccessful cleaning, about the terrible experience of their clients with other cosmetologists. Horrible from the point of view of clients, of course. The main thing is to choose the right skincare products to help your face look beautiful again.

The very concept of cosmetology in the not-so-distant past was largely associated with mechanical facial cleansing. Removing blackheads with a spoon, a slotted spoon, Uno, and other tools, manual extraction of the contents of pores, blackheads, and pimples – these were the predominant functions of a cosmetologist 20-30 years ago for broad segments of the population.

Today, the situation has changed dramatically. Mechanical cleaning in its pure form, relatively speaking, is used much less often and, in general, is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Thanks to the rapid development of the professional cosmetology market, it was replaced by new types of cleansing. Using devices and modern cosmetic products, a cosmetologist can offer his clients several types of various cleanings – safe, soft, delicate, atraumatic, and non-aggressive.

Cleaning is a regular procedure

For oily skin – yes. But only for her. It is the type of skin that determines the frequency of visits. Classics of cosmetology – a clear relationship between skin type and the regularity of visits to the cosmetologist’s office:

  • Oily skin: 1-2 times a month
  • Normal skin: 1 time per quarter
  • Combined: depends on the options of the presented types
  • Dry: 1 time a year under the conditions of proper care

In addition, even oily and combined oily skin does not need hard mechanical cleaning every time. Removing several comedones manually is another matter. In the arsenal of modern beauty experts, there are many ways to remove blackheads, and many of them are based on the action and properties of acids. And the mass market actively offers a variety of skin cleansing options that do not require manual finishing.

Hardware cleaning is weaker

Without the involvement of additional cosmetology products – yes. Hardware cleaning – ultrasonic, let’s say – is one of the most common options. Yes, ultrasound cannot cope with deep pores and acne breakouts – you need to pick up tools or work manually. But even during the last year (according to our own observations), many cosmetology brands have brought additional products to the market to enhance the quality of the hardware procedure itself.

Such a protocol can be characterized as a two-level skin preparation system. The gel of cold hydrogenation is already used as the 2nd stage – and special means are used before it. Usually, these are preparations based on light surface acids, which are applied to the skin, also under a film, for 10–20 minutes, depending on the type of skin. And only after that, the cosmetologist applies the cold hydrogenation gel according to the standard scheme. Cleaning according to such protocols is much more effective, including for comedones and blackheads.

Mechanical cleaning is a red face and new pimples

No, if the beautician follows modern approaches. Manual procedures are extremely traumatic. One of their consequences is the premature appearance of couperosis, because physical efforts to squeeze out blackheads and comedones significantly injure the skin. Modern world trends, which are actively spreading in our country, are based on the careful treatment of the skin and preservation of its health. the latest cosmetology products gently dissolve clogged pores, allowing the specialist to work as gently as possible.

In addition, the practice of actively using acids after mechanical cleaning has proven to be very effective. A few years ago, it was hard to even imagine – acids after squeezing. Today, they open and close the procedure, and thanks to this, the risk of new pimples, rash elements, irritations, and redness is minimized. Today, a visit to a cosmetologist for a mechanical cleaning can be quite a pleasant procedure.