Australia's education system

Is It Worth to Live in Australia?

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You must have heard about the high quality of life in Australia, right? This is one of the countries with the highest HDI (Human Development Index) in the world. And it’s no wonder: the Australian government is efficient in serving the population, guaranteeing all their rights and meeting the basic needs of citizens.

The Australian city of Melbourne has been voted the best city in the world to live in seven times in a row! And Sydney is among the top 10 in the ranking of the best cities in terms of quality of life.

Still not convinced that living in Australia is a guarantee of quality of life? So, keep following this post. We will show a little more about the main aspects of the country, such as health, safety, employability, life expectancy and much more. Check out!


Australia’s education system is one of the most developed in the world, with a very high standard of education at all levels – from basic to tertiary education.

The government provides free quality education to Australian citizens from an early age, as well as food and transport for students. All this makes the country occupy the 7th place in the world education ranking.

Qualified education directly reflects on numerous other aspects of Australian society, such as the low crime rate and environmental quality, which we will talk about later.

In addition, the country has renowned universities in teaching and research, which makes it one of the most sought after study destinations for those who want to exchange undergraduate or graduate students.

Health system

Australia has a very extensive healthcare system offered by the government. Medicare, as it is called, is considered one of the most advanced in the world, according to the WHO (World Health Organization).

The system mixes public and private management models, achieving excellence in the provision of medical services to the population. In addition, there are private clinics and professionals who also offer qualified care.

Public security

When it comes to safety, Australia is ahead of the vast majority of places in the world. The country has one of the lowest homicide rates compared to OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries.

In Australia, the rate is 1.0 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the OECD average is 3.6 per 100,000.

Crime and robberies rates are also very low in the country, which guarantees residents and tourists all the tranquility to walk alone in the streets of cities.

Public transportation

The Australian public transport system is also worth mentioning for its efficiency and safety. In most cities in the country, it is possible to count on bus, train and subway lines that serve all neighborhoods.

In addition, the vehicles are very clean and comfortable, which makes commuting much more pleasant and less stressful.


Australia has a high employability rate, both for Australian citizens and for those who come from abroad looking for new opportunities in the country. The government offers efficient policies for those who wish to obtain a work visa and, above all, the population is very receptive to foreigners.

Another advantage in terms of the market is that the country has the highest minimum wage in the world. The minimum hourly rate for Australians is US$9.54 (about R$30.40), while in Brazil the minimum is R$4.26.

Per capita income and economy

Another factor that has a direct influence on Australia’s high Human Development Index is its per capita income, which is also among the highest in the world.

In 2017, Australian per capita income hit US$54,000. This demonstrates not only a significant increase in the country’s GDP, but also low poverty rates, which reflects on the quality of life of the residents.

In addition, the country’s stable economy has recorded more than 25 years of steady growth. Over the past two years, the country has more than doubled the average of countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the richest group of countries in the world.

Culture and leisure

The country has exuberant landscapes, paradisiacal beaches and many places with preserved nature, which, in itself, is already a full plate in terms of leisure and tourism. In addition, the population highly values green areas and Australian cities have beautiful parks.

In cultural terms, Australia is not far behind either. There is plenty of incentive in this regard, and the cities are host to music festivals, art exhibitions and more. On a daily basis, there are leisure options for all tastes, from cinemas and shopping malls to parties and bars.

Life expectancy

Australia is one of the countries with the highest longevity rates in the world. The expectation of Australian citizens is approximately 93 years for women and 91 years for men. And, according to the government, this number tends to increase in the coming years.

The reason for this is the country’s high Human Development Index, influenced by all the other aspects that we mentioned throughout the post. After all, quality of life is synonymous with longevity for the population.


As a country of abundant nature, with exuberant fauna and flora and rare species, the preservation of the environment is extremely important in the lives of Australians.

Aside from the protection measures established by the Australian government, the population is very aware and engaged in this aspect, which makes the country one of the most developed in terms of environmental quality.

In addition to all the above, Australia is still a champion in terms of housing, urbanism, civic engagement and a sense of community. Australian citizens are kind and very polite, both to each other and to foreigners, which makes living together in everyday life even better for those who choose the country to live.