Mental Stress

How To Avoid Mental Stress

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Anxiety is deeply involved in human life. It’s like the back of a coin. Nowadays, it is difficult to find human existence without tension! To reduce stress, you need to know the causes of stress in the beginning. Then you have to go deeper and solve the problem. Experts say, do not try to solve stress alone. Get help from friends and family to control pressure. If necessary, you can take the advice of a psychiatrist.

Various studies have shown that stress causes heart damage. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Center for Mind-BD Research at Rochester Medical Center in New York. “Analysis of the data shows that physical problems, such as anxiety, poor nutrition, or reluctance to exercise, are usually exacerbated by stress,” said Kathy Hefner.

The article is sorted out with some ways to stay free from worries— Ways to reduce stress and keep the heart-healthy.

  1. Adequate sleep:

Currently, most people tend to not sleep. Six to eight hours of sleep is required to stay healthy. In this case, it is more important to sleep peacefully than time. There can be nothing better than ‘sleep.’ So when you don’t like anything or feel like you can’t concentrate on anything, take a power nap to see a little secluded place.

Anxiety will go away! Just as it is true that tension interferes with the smooth flow of life and normalcy, there is no denying that there is a need for some degree of tension in life because this tension provides the motivation behind working in life and acts as the driving force behind working, especially in the field.

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  1. Keep yourself busy: 

Keep yourself busy to keep anxiety out of your head. Do something that keeps your memory and hands busy, such as playing games or making a handicraft. It is said, “The lazy brain is the devil’s factory.” But this is actually true.

If you lie idle without doing any work, frustration and anxiety will surround you – this is normal. So keep yourself busy in any good work.

  1. Get rid of anger:

The habit of storing anger in mind will never bring good for the heart. A study in neuroscience found that storing anger instead of forgiving increases stress and increases the risk of a heart attack.

Dr. Simmons said, “You can’t imagine how quickly and for a long time, it can harm the body if anger accumulates in mind. So get rid of this danger from your neck and stay mentally healthy all the time.”

  1. Be realistic:

Many are unnecessarily anxious and worried about what might happen in the future. In this case, remember that life means there will be some problems, and some events may happen that are not desirable in life.

Therefore, we have to accept the mentality of accepting the real situation and adapting to it. This will reduce the tension a bit. Excessive emotional attitudes towards relatively less important matters need to be overcome.

For example, according to researchers, the rate of heart attack increases with the defeat of a favorite football team. So don’t get excited about trivial reasons because the value of life is much more than that.

  1. Eliminate the thought of being perfect:

Those who usually want to have a type ‘A’ character always have a pure character are more likely to suffer from heart disease. According to Professor Hefner, such extravagant attitudes eventually create a hostile attitude in the individual.

He said the rivalry or hostile attitude behind the Type ‘A’ character serves as the main driving force. In fact, such an attitude creates animosity towards others. Studies have shown that hostile attitudes are the main cause of high blood pressure, which in turn leads to heart disease. So always think well and get along well with everyone.

  1. Reduce caffeine intake:

Caffeine can awaken your senses very quickly and increase the amount of stress-enhancing hormones. It’s only good if you fall in the face of a ferocious tiger. So quit the habit of drinking tea and coffee frequently. Because it contains a lot of caffeine. Even avoid soft drinks that are marketed as zero-calorie or sugar-free.

  1. Make a list:

You may think you are suffering from hundreds of problems. So make a list of your worries. You see, after a few, you can’t find any reason. There will be some problems that almost everyone has. You will realize that you don’t actually have too many reasons to worry. It will reduce your anxiety and give you peace of mind.

  1. Spend time with friends:

Being alone all the time can damage mental health as well as the heart. Even if heart disease is never caught, the risk of harm remains. So don’t sit alone at home and go out with friends. However, in this case, you have to be careful about choosing a real friend.

  1. Open your heart and smile:

According to a 2005 study, smiling can burn 20 percent more calories than just being serious. The researchers came to this conclusion after regularly showing ridiculous and relatively serious films to some adults. Regular recreation increases the heart rate.

According to the American Journal of Cardiology, published in 2010, laughter increases the efficiency of the body’s circulatory system. So always put a smile on the corner of your lips or smile if you can.

  1. Write a diary:

You may never have written a diary. Write down in a diary what is bothering you, what is causing you stress. Also, write down what you want or what you would like to do. This diary writing habit will help you a lot to reduce stress.

  1. Eat properly:

Many people may be reluctant to eat when they are under stress. Remember, not eating will reduce stress or problems, but food will keep your body functioning and help you take steps to relieve stress.

Drink enough water at this time. Reduce caffeine intake. Have a good breakfast. Eat at least six meals a day. Eat wheat bread, pasta, etc. Eat foods rich in vitamin A and magnesium. Eat foods rich in green tea and antioxidants as well.

  1. Not everything changes: 

Maybe the death of someone very close has made you fragile, or something has hurt you so much that it is becoming difficult to bear the pressure. Think it’s possible to bring back the past or fix it? If the answer is no, stop thinking about it. Because it is not possible to change everything. And not everything is in our hands.

  1. Talk to yourself: 

Above all, talk to yourself. What issues are putting you under stress? What if the pressure was less? What is the current situation? Regard what you can do about it. Make a chart of what you need to do to relieve stress. Sort the list according to your needs and take action according to that list. Practicing these steps will help relieve stress.