Fall and allergies

Fall and allergies

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Fall is in the air, and we can barely wait for it. Autumn brings the crisp orange leaves, cups of hot chocolate, and a lot of sniffing!

Fall and Allergies

Even though spring is more notorious for causing allergies and problems like rhinitis, however, fall is just as likely to cause allergic reactions in people. Weeds pollinate in this season, and this is the reason why you sneeze as weather transitions from pre-fall to fals.

Most of the allergic reactions are the courtesy of the inhalants, and as these allergens are breathed in, causing the immune system to go into overdrive.

Symptoms of the allergies

The symptoms of fall allergies include a runny nose. It also causes watering of the eyes, alongside sneezing and coughing. Moreover, allergies also lead to itching in the nose and the eyes as well. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult the relevant expert whom you can easily book over oladoc.com.

Causes of fall allergies

There are allergens that are characteristics of fall seasons. These include:

Ragweed Pollen

People who are allergic to pollen in the spring are also more likely to suffer from ragweed pollen allergies. This pollen is more common in September and October, however, in slightly more tolerant winters, it can continue through winter as well.

Since the pollen can cover large distances, therefore, even if these plants are not in your vicinity, you can still succumb to the allergies.

The risk of ragweed allergy is higher during the windy days since winds help in carrying the particles through the air. Pollen count is also higher during the day, as opposed to the nights.

Other weeds

Ragweed is not the only weed plant that can cause allergies. There are other types like sagebrush, pigweed, mug wort, tumbleweed can also lead to allergic reaction in the body as well.


Another common culprit is mold. It tends to grow in the damp places inside of the house but as it can grow over piles of wet leaves. Therefore, the tendency towards mold allergy is greater during the fall season.

Dust Mites

Dust mites residing peacefully inside of the furnaces, chimney, and filter flutter to life as heating is turned on inside the house. These mites then lead to allergic reactions in the body.

Management tips

Prevention is indeed better than cure. You can take steps to decrease the chances of exposure to allergens. These include:


With prevalence of high levels of pollen in the outdoors, it better that you limit yourself to indoors. Go out only when it is imperative. Wear glasses to prevent your eyes’ interaction to the pollen. Similarly, wear a hat to prevent the pollen from settling on your face and hair.  Use a facemask to prevent the inhaling of pollen.

After coming back from your excursions, make sure to shower. Try to change first before walking around the house, as you then risk contaminating your house as well.

Cleaning of the vents

To prevent the mites from running wild in your house, have them properly cleaned prior to turning them on. It is better that you let a professional cleaner or someone else handle this task, to minimize your exposure and risk.

Air purifier

Use filters in your heating system and air purifiers in your house to clean the air that you breathe in.

Treating the allergies

There are multiple treatment options that people can use for relief against an allergic reaction.  Steroid nasal sprays are helpful for curbing inflammation in the nose. Moreover, antihistamines also help in overcoming itching, sniffing, sneezing, etc.

Decongestants are also used for relieving the stuffy nose. Some people might also benefit from immunotherapy, which may include allergy shots or tablets. You can confer with the  Best ENT specialist in Islamabad with regards to the treatment route.