Sexual harassment in the workplace is, unfortunately, very common. Although there are laws to protect employees from experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, some people feel reporting it can do more harm than good. Consult an employment lawyer in Kansas City if you’ve experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
Ask an Employment Lawyer in Kansas City: Will Reporting Sexual Harassment Cost Me Future Employment Opportunities?
Reporting sexual harassment in the workplace shouldn’t cost you future employment opportunities. It’s not illegal to report sexual harassment to HR or to take legal action if your workplace hasn’t done anything to stop the harassment from happening again.
You’ve likely heard many women saying they believe they’ve lost employment opportunities after reporting sexual harassment in the workplace. However, for every one workplace that refuses to hire you because you reported harassment, there are numerous that’d be more than willing to employ you.
Why You Should Always Report Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
1. You Can Protect Colleagues
It only takes one person to report sexual harassment in the workplace to make HR and your employer aware of the issue. Although there are lots of toxic workplaces, there are many where HR and your employer will be thoroughly on your side. You making the report could protect dozens of other people at your workplace from being harassed.
If HR doesn’t take quick action against your harasser, then you consult an attorney and take legal action. However, you must always report the harassment to HR before consulting an attorney despite the possible negative outcomes. If HR acts like you’re the problem, then there are serious issues at your company that need to be brought to light. You can take legal action if HR responds negatively or dismisses your report.
2. You Can Get Your Harasser Fired
You can fight for the person who harassed you to be fired during your case. If you win, the harasser will lose their position at the company. Getting the harasser fired will protect others at your workplace from experiencing harassment, and it can draw attention to problems in the workplace that need to be tackled.
3. You Deserve Justice
You may feel justice has been served if you take action against somebody who sexually harassed you at work. Getting them fired and winning compensation for your losses and trauma can help you feel like action has been taken against the harasser.
The law is on your side in sexual harassment cases, and your attorney will be willing to help you gather evidence to support your case. Find out more here about what discrimination attorneys can do to help you.
Can My Employer Fire Me for Reporting Sexual Harassment?
If you believe you were fired because you reported sexual harassment, then consult an employment lawyer. Terminating your position for reporting sexual harassment is unlawful termination.
Taking legal action in this situation can get your position at the company reinstated. The person who terminated your position may be fired. If you don’t wish to return to that company, then you may be compensated for the period spent unemployed before accepting a new position.
What Can I Do If I’m Worried About Losing Opportunities Because I Reported Sexual Harassment?
1. Don’t Leave Your Job Yet
If you’re worried reporting sexual harassment could lead to you having trouble finding new work, then it may be best to stay at your old company until you’ve secured a new role. It can give you a sense of security until you’re ready to accept a position at another company.
Only stay at the company if your harasser has been fired.
2. Ask Your Network for Help
Thousands of businesses know that harassment isn’t the victim’s fault. The hardest part is identifying those businesses. Reach out to your network and explain you need employment at a company that won’t discriminate against you for having reported sexual harassment at your former workplace. Your friends and family may know of companies they believe won’t discriminate against you for having taken action.
3. Take Action Against Your Former Employer
Consult an attorney to see if you can take action against a former employer who’s lying or giving you poor references when speaking to your prospective future employers. If the former employer is untruthfully making it seem you’re a troublemaker or a poor worker, then you may be able to hold them liable for defamation. It’s always worth consulting your attorney to see if there’s anything you can do in this situation.
It’s always worth reporting harassment at work. There are many, many workplaces that will be happy to employ you following a sexual harassment report or lawsuit. Reporting sexual harassment can make some businesses hesitant to hire you, but these are immoral businesses you’re better off not working for.