Tips to improve the home page

Tips to improve the home page of a website

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How many times have you abandoned a website after seeing the homepage? It happens to all of us at some point because that space is key for the visitor to decide to continue browsing or not. So that this does not happen on your site, follow these tips to improve the home page of a Web Positioning Salamanca website.

The homepage must be at the service of your business

The home page is the visitors’ first contact with the business website. In the first few seconds, it should be clear who you are, what services and products you offer, how to contact you, and what you need to do next to find what you’re looking for.

A well-designed web page must be aligned with the objectives of the business; in addition, being able to attract new customers, while remaining useful for those who already know the brand. Therefore, one of the strategies to improve the website is to always keep it updated. At the moment you start designing the home page of your website, you must choose the elements that you will include. There are several basics that need to be on the page:

Tips to improve the home page of a website

There is no perfect home page, but you can make it attractive, represent the image of your business and meet its objectives. They can always be improved and it is advisable to do so, updating it according to new trends and the reality of the business with the help of an SEO agency in Sydney.

Set yourself the goal of a simple, dynamic home page, with quality graphics, clear information and without elements that get in the way. A good example of a home that meets these premises is the 4 Rivers Smokehouse that we show in the following image. According to a Hubspot ranking, this home is one of the many with the best design.

1. Make it clear what the site is about

The examples that we have shown leave no doubt about what each of these sites is about. Then there is a restaurant specializing in smoked food. In both, it is clear what the user will find when continuing to browse the web. To achieve this, they rely on both images and short texts. It is necessary to combine these elements to offer complete information, otherwise, it could be confusing or unattractive.

2. Relevant content must be visible

If you don’t know what to put on the home page, we have already given you some clues. The most important information should be at the beginning so that the user does not have to make an effort to find it. For example, the description of what the company does, contact information, and news. Make sure this is in a visible place.

3. Add images and videos

The digital marketing agency graphic elements are more attractive than text, the latter should be kept short. Images and videos attract more visitor attention and are a support tool to talk about your business. Another of our tips to improve the home page of a website is that when using videos they do not play automatically. Give the visitor the option to view it whenever they are ready. The same happens with the audios, if they start playing when entering the web, they will distract the visitor and may cause them to leave the site.

4. Don’t forget the call to action

Do you want the visitor to subscribe to the website, start a free trial, or request a quote? Place the call to action button in a visible place that stands out from the rest of the elements. The information in the CTA has to be clear and direct. They are usually at the top or in the center of the home page.

5. Easy navigation

It must be easy for the user to go from one page to another within the web. So the menu must be visible on the home page and this, in turn, must be simple. That is, the categories and subcategories must be clear. It also includes links to the most relevant pages that you want to highlight. Lean on these tips to improve the home page of a website. You’ll only get one chance to convince visitors to stay on your site and you shouldn’t waste it. Do you need help with the design? Contact us and request a free estimate.