Raccoon Dog

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The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) Also called the Chinese raccoon dog, Asian raccoon dog mangut (its Evenki name), the neoguri (its Korean name) or the common raccoon dog, is a canid found throughout China’s mainland East Asia and northern Vietnam. It is among two species that are extinct in the Genus Nyctereutes together with that of the Japanese raccoon dog (N. vierrinus).

The aniimal in question is closer to the fox in real life that the American raccoon, as the name implies, however the reason it’s named that way is its masked face to that of the common raccoon. The common raccoon has four different subspecies. raccoon dog — the Ussuri raccoon dog, the Yunnan raccoon dog, the Korean raccoon dog, and the Chinese raccoon dog, which is the most popular species.

“Nyctereutes procyonoides” is the scientific term “Nyctereutes procyonoides” translates as “night wanderer” in Greek – “nykt” (night) and “ereutes” (wanderer).

This species is part of the family of Canidae and is part of the order Carnivora. They are omnivores that feed on a variety of animals, as well as fruits such as nuts and fruits. It is believed that the raccoon dog prefers forest, bordering forests, or dense vegetation for its home.

It isn’t an endangered species and is classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. However, they are frequently hunted, especially for their fur that can be used to create various kinds of clothes. Actually, as a result of the trade in fur this species is widely spread into Europe which is why it is considered potentially dangerous invasive species.


Raccoon dogs share an appearance similar to that of smaller foxes, and have an average length of 50-68 cm from rump to head and an average tail length of 13 to 25 centimeters. Their height can vary from 38.1 to 50.8 centimeters. They have a bulky body and short legs with tiny heads that are sturdy and moderately long (around 130 mm). The weight of their bodies is between 4 and 6 kg during summer and can range from 6 to 10 kilograms during winter and prior to hibernation. who live in Europe generally larger than those living in China or Japan.

The fur markings of these animals are like the raccoon, which have a white muzzle, a white face and black fur around the eyes. A black mark runs across the shoulders as well as across the back, creating the form of an X. Their primary color is dark, earth-brown or brownish-grey. They are adorned with hairs of guard that are black. The abdomen is yellowish-brown and the chest color is black or dark brown.

Its winter fur thick and long with dense underfur as well as coarse guard hairs that measure 120 millimeters long. The fur of winter protects the raccoon dog from cold temperatures that can drop to -20 degrees to -25 degrees Celsius. In summer, they sport more vibrant and reddish straw-colored fur. The rare white kind is found in China.

A raccoon dog has short and round ears that extend only marginally away from their fur. They are also small and weak carnassials and canines, with molars that are flat, and large intestines. All of these are a reflection of their extensive diet.

They may have weak eyesight, but excellent ability to smell. This allows them to locate the prey, especially in the dark.


It is believed that the raccoon dog has an average life span of between 6 and 11 years with 6 to 7 years being the standard.


A raccoon dog is an omnivore that eats rodents, insects, amphibians, rodents such as fish, birds reptiles, mollusks carrion, and insectivores and also fruits fruit, nuts, and fruits and berries. Animals like voles Frogs, gerbils as well as game birds, are frequently consumed. It is believed that the raccoon dog can swim, therefore it can capture fish that live in water easily and scoop prey from the water by using its paws close to rivers, lakes and streams. At the beach there are sea urchins, crabs as well as sea carrion are also eaten.

It is believed that the raccoon dog will adapt their diet according to the time of the year. In the autumn, they eat mostly vegetables, with various fruit, wild berries and seeds like Oats. In winter months, when food sources are scarce they can be able to survive on human waste and even carrion.

They rely in their sense of smell when they forage to eat, as their vision is poor. They hunt on the ground, or on low vegetation and they keep their noses close to the surface. They’re not speedy animals, but they’re determined in their search of food. They are typically described as gatherers or collectors.


Raccoons hunt in small families or in pairs. groups, however it is not known if they stay within the groups where they breed for the rest of their lives. Social grooming is a must for the raccoon dog breed.

The initial thought was that they would be night-time animals however, new research has revealed that they could be active and eat at during the night or day. This is typically related to the need to eat.

It is believed that the raccoon dog hibernates from November and could last into early April, contingent on the climate of the region. They hibernate together and they are the sole species of canid known to hibernate. They discover a burrow that has been abandoned made by a badger or another animal , and use it to hibernate.

It isn’t a must for this species, and some species may not be hibernating at all. They need to gain up to 50 percent of their body weight prior to going into hibernation. Otherwise, they’ll need to come out from their den on hot winter days to hunt. If the temperature is warm enough where they live like in the southernmost portion of the range in the southern part of the range, the raccoon dog won’t hibernate.

Raccoons use latrines to interact with other species members. Latrines are a certain place where a large dog breed of raccoons can also urinate and fecally. These areas are used to communicate not just with relatives however, they also communicate with strangers.

They can also be vocal but they don’t bark. The animals whine, whimper or meow and generally an indication of friendly behavior. If they are aggressive or they’re scared or scared, they might grunt.


Raccoon dogs breed towards the close of the cold portion of winter, which is January, February or March, based on where they live, with females becoming pregnant every year after hibernation. Estrus is between 3 and five days, and females emit the scent to show they are ready to mat.

It is unclear if Raccoon dogs breed with the same person every year, but it is believed that they’re probably unisexual in wild. Polygamy is reported in captive animals, however.

Females are enticed by males ranging from 3 to 4 during mating time, but there isn’t much competition between males to find the same mates. Couples develop strong bonds prior to mating, and they remain with each other until their offspring are independent. Males and females assist in raising their children.

Males are known to provide females with food throughout her last pregnancy. When the babies have been weaned typically, the male watches at them, while his female goes hunting for food. The male might even hunt, while the female looks after the baby.

The gestation period of an raccoon dog is between 59 and 64 days, following the pups are born, 5 to 7 puppies are born. Females deliver brith in dense vegetation or burrows which have been abandoned by badgers or foxes.

The puppies were born blind, and are covered in fluffy, black fur typically weighing between 60 and 120 grams. The eyes open after the age of 9 to 10 weeks. They are teeth-free by the age of 14-16. They begin weaning between 30 to forty days of age. After 4 months the pups start learning about hunting by watching their parents. By the time they reach four and six months old, they’re prepared to be in their own. It is believed that raccoon dog pups reach full size between 80 and 85 days old. They attain sexual maturity between 9 and 11 months.


It is believed that the raccoon dog is native to the eastern region of Siberia and north China, North Vietnam, Korea as well as Japan. Between 1927 between 1927 and 1957, the fur-farming industry introduced 4000 to 9,000 raccoon dogs in The European as well as the Asian U.S.S.R. Thus, today, the raccoon dog is found across the northern and western regions of Europe in various countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, France, Austria and Hungary.

The various subspecies can be found in various countries and regions. There is the Chinese raccoon dog is found in Eastern China, while the Korean raccoon dog is found in the Korean Peninsula. It is the Yunnan raccoon dog is found in the southeastern part of China as well as northern Vietnam as well as there is the Ussuri raccoon dog is found in Russia Siberian Ussuri and Amur territories) as well as Northeastern China, North Korea, and also was transported to Europe.

They can be located in subarctic and subtropical climates . They prefer forests, forest borders as well as dense forests. These animals are also found in water-bound areas and at altitudes of more than 3,000 meters all the way to sea levels. They can also be seen in human-made environments if they are searching for food.

It is believed that the raccoon dog lives in burrows within dense vegetation, where they can hide away and blend into their surroundings. When the food supply is depleted within their environment They will move to seek out a new location in which prey is plentiful. They are adaptable and traverse long distances to locate the food source.


Raccoon dogs aren’t considered as endangered species and are classified as Least Concern according to the IUCN Red List. The total number of Raccoon dogs in the wild is not known.

While they have predators of their own They are often killed by humans. They are hunted in the months of November until the snow gets deeper. For those living in The Far East, they are hunted at night by Laikas as well as mongrels. They are also trapped in poacher traps. Their fur is used for clothes and is commonly referred to as “murmansky” or “tanuki” fur. The United States, it is advertised by the name of “Asiatic raccoon”, and in Northern Europe as “Finn raccoon”.

Pelts are utilized for collars, necklets or fur coats. The smaller raccoon dog pelts with silky fur fetch higher prices over large coarse furred ones. Due to their lengthy thick and rough guard hairs, as well as their woolly fur fibre which tends to mat or feel, raccoon dog pelts are mostly used to make fur trimmings.

In Japan the Japanese consume raccoons as well as utilize their fur to create bristles for brush for calligraphy. The bones are also utilized for medicinal purposes and also as an aphrodisiac. Natives also used raccoon dog skin to make bellows to embellish their drums and also for winter headwear.

They are also kept in captivity to produce fur. For instance, 20 percent of the fur produced domestically in Russia comes made from that of the raccoon dog.

Raccoon dogs can be destructive to the environment and the human way of life. They can harm game bird populations, especially in the floodplains and along the shorelines of estuaries, in which they eat almost exclusively eggs and chicks in the springtime. They also pose a threat to the trade in muskrats, damaging their nests, and consuming their young. In Ukraine the raccoon dog breed is dangerous to the kitchen gardens, melon cultivations vineyards, as well as corn seedlings.

It is often regarded as an insect pest due to this reason, and may also spread illness to pets and humans. It is sometimes shot or poisoned when they venture into these settings. They are also killed trying to cross the road in areas that are crowded.


Raccoon dogs have many natural predators that include Wolverines, wolves, lynx golden eagles, sea Eagles, eagle owls martens, and some domestic dog breeds. They utilize their claws and teeth to defend themselves, however they are usually smaller than their predators and thus can’t escape.

The brown coat of this animal allows it to blend into the surrounding environment to protect against predators. They can also climb and swim to escape danger. Being able of climbing trees an attribute they share with another animal belonging to the Canidae family, specifically Gray Fox.