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How to Find High-Quality Guest Post Sites

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The most important thing to remember when identifying high-quality guest post sites is to target those with high Domain Authority. Blogging on subdomains will not have the same impact on SEO as a blog on the root domain. The higher the Domain Authority of a blog, the stronger the backlinks it will provide. Also, higher Domain Authority blogs will receive more readership from guest posts than a blog with a low Domain Authority. Guest posts on sites like Forbes and The Huffington Post require real-world relationships.

Quality guest post sites

There are several methods to find quality guest post sites. First of all, you must identify your main organic competitors. This way, you will be able to find sites with similar keyword profiles. It will be easier to find sites that you are interested in if you can write content that covers these topics. Once you have identified your competition, you can target your guest post prospects. Using these methods will increase your chances of success.

When looking for guest post sites, be sure to focus on those that have a high traffic volume. Ensure that the readers of the site you are aiming for will like link insertion your content. Having high traffic to your site is a huge plus, but it’s not enough if you only post content that’s about a specific topic or product. Look for high social shares and comment counts on a site’s homepage to know whether it’s a good match.

List of websites  

There are a few top-notch guest posting sites on the Web, and here are a few to consider: Marketing Profs, Panadol, and Social Media Examiner. Marketing Profs is a great site to submit your writing because it targets marketers and offers insights into the online world. They also run research summaries and accept opinion pieces. While Panadol is a site dedicated to selling stuff, it still accepts guest posts and has a diverse audience.

The goal of guest posting is to gain backlinks, so be sure to choose high-authority sites. The highest-authority sites are those that have the most traffic, are linked by a variety of other websites, and are considered fact-worthy by Google. In addition, high-authority sites have high Domain Ratings and Domain Authority. Despite the potential benefits of guest posting for your business, you must choose carefully to avoid getting burned by low-quality content.

Criteria to evaluate a site

When evaluating a high quality guest post site, there are some factors that you need to keep in mind. A website with poor writing quality and a lack of inbound links may be a red flag, but these are not the only things to keep an eye on. It may also not be active on social media, which can be a signal of a shady website. If you notice a website without any of these features, look elsewhere.

Another important factor in selecting a high-quality guest post site is the size of the publication. If it’s not too big, but you’re looking to write a couple of articles, a tier two site will do. The quality of the content you write for a tier 1 site should be as good as your own blog. The goal is to change readers’ minds, spark conversation, and motivate them to take action. If it’s on the homepage, it’s an authority site.

List of blogs that accept  

When you have a good piece of content to share, there are several ways to get the word out about your content. Guest posting on media publications can give you the exposure and traction you need to build a solid reputation and trust in your niche. However, you must high quality guest post sites remember to follow certain best practices and avoid breaking the rules set by Google when posting on a guest post site. There are two main methods to find a high-quality guest post site: keyword research and submission guidelines.

First, try to find email addresses of the blog owners. If you do not find email addresses on their websites, try to contact them through the contact form on their blog. You can also try out tools such as Hunter on LinkedIn, which find email addresses. Another good tool is Keywords Everywhere, which is a free Chrome extension that you can install on your computer. Once you’ve identified the email addresses of blog owners, you can begin sending your content to them.

List of directories  

Guest posting is the process of publishing your writing on another website or blog. While guest posting is not the same as ghostwriting, most guest posts include links back to your website. As long as you follow the rules of the host writer, you’re good to go. The benefits of guest posting include increased exposure for you and an increased readership. To get started, start by looking up some of the best directories that accept guest posts.


When submitting a guest post to a directory, it is essential to know the audience of the publication you are submitting it to. If you’re writing for a business-to-business audience, you might want to target specific blogs that cater to this audience. Likewise, if you’re writing for a general consumer audience, you’ll want to check whether the blog you’re submitting to is specialized or general in nature.