I have designed and made furniture for over ten years now and have tried every sand mask known to man. They injure my face, rub my glasses, hide my face, get very hot, or wear clothes and end up coughing. The list goes on and on, but after going to my doctor every year about 8 months ago, I got some good news about lung cancer. Apparently, sawdust is more harmful to the lungs than smoking.
I finally found out what mask I am currently using accidentally and I want to tell you about the pros and cons.
I saw it at my friend’s shop (at a competition) about seven months ago. A talented new man starts working at his shop. This man always wore his mask and said he wore the same mask every day for four years! I don’t think this is possible. He washes them at night and starts fresh the next day.
When I saw this, I ordered it online and I was happy with it. Everything the man said was true. Besides, it’s nice to be able to wear it all day long. I forgot so much that I was wearing it. They don’t block my glasses, they breathe easily, I can bathe them during hot days to keep me cool. I can talk about it, which is very important to me because I speak.
There are several things that you should pay attention to when getting it.
The first thing is that you can’t pull the straps when you put them on. I don’t think it will be easy for others to do well. wrong! It has a nose wire that fits your nose for tradition, so while great, it does a great job. This is why my glasses get foggy. That alone makes it very useful to me because as you know when working with wood, you need to be able to see and hold your finger!
The second warning about that is that you have to wash it yourself. Can’t throw it in the dryer. It is made of space generation cloth which must be cleaned of the rags and thrown into the dryer. If you remember it, it will last as long as my friend’s vision. Maybe think about it, because it’s still okay. At the end of the day, soak briefly in mild soapy water, rinse, and shake with water, so that it looks fresh in the morning. I hung it on the hook next to my appliance, so I know where to find it in the morning.
Another thing to know is that you still need to breathe while emitting toxic fumes. So, why get hit by these dust mites if you want to breathe? Yes, that’s right! Have you been on a ventilator all day?
For me, this was a wonderful purchase and I ended up being able to protect myself all day long in my shop. I finally found a good and effective powder hdx n95 respirator mask review. It makes me feel better about protecting my lungs and makes me think about the things I love; Like a room.