Hubspot Integration

What is the Advantage of LinkedIn Hubspot Integration?

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If you want to connect LinkedIn and Hubspot, you must be a LinkedIn account manager. You can do this by clicking the settings icon in your Hubspot dashboard and selecting Marketing > Ads. Then, click Connect Account. Select LinkedIn and your LinkedIn Ads accounts and click “Connect Account.” After that, leave the “Auto Tracking” toggle on. You’re ready to start syncing your contacts from LinkedIn to your Hubspot account.

Whether you have a LinkedIn account or not, integrating the two platforms allows you to easily market to your audience across the web. Both platforms are able to sync new contacts from paid campaigns. With Hubspot, you can create an audience list that includes contacts that are currently in your sales pipeline. Once you have created your list, you can easily market to that audience. 

Boosting the Business with Integration:

Getting your marketing team to use LinkedIn Hubspot Integration will enable you to tie together you’re marketing and sales efforts. If you are a business owner, you’ll find that both platforms are extremely useful in boosting your online visibility. If you want to make the most of this partnership, you need to make sure that you integrate your social media platforms. Adding them together will help you boost your marketing efforts and increase your conversion rate.

Besides, if you have a LinkedIn account, you can export all your contacts to Hubspot. You can also use the LinkedIn import tool to get the list of contacts from LinkedIn. This can be useful if you use LinkedIn to target specific audiences. Using this tool, you’ll be able to manage leads more effectively. You can use your Hubspot account to manage your LinkedIn contacts and nurture them into customers.

Measure and Track Activities with LinkedIn Hubspot Integration:

LinkedIn Hubspot Integration allows you to export your LinkedIn contacts to Hubspot. You can then import the data from LinkedIn and import it into your Hubspot account. This will allow you to see all of your contacts in one place. Additionally, it allows you to import your contacts from LinkedIn and then create lists from them. The best part about this integration is that it will let you integrate your social media accounts with Hubspot.

Integrated, these tools will sync CRM data and publishing to ensure your brand’s presence online is consistent. This will help you track and measure your marketing activities and ensure that your company gets maximum ROI. Ultimately, it will help you grow your business and build a strong brand. Aside from that, it will give you more time for other things. 

How Hubspot Helps in Marketing and Sales Effort?

LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator integration is another advantage. It allows you to sync your contact database in Hubspot. This way, you’ll be able to view a contact’s profile history in Hubspot and LinkedIn, both of which can help you develop a successful relationship. You can use this integration to keep track of your customers. Once the two systems are integrated, you can track the activity and generate leads.

If you’re already using LinkedIn for your marketing and sales efforts, you’ll love the ability to connect the two. For example, you can send a direct email to a contact’s LinkedIn profile, which will automatically sync to your sales funnel. You can also sync your contacts with your Hubspot and LinkedIn. You can even post updates on your social media pages. 


Integrating your LinkedIn account with Hubspot is one of the best ways to reach more people and grow your business. Combined with LinkedIn, both systems will enhance your marketing efforts. 

Integrated marketing will help you attract new customers and grow your business. You’ll be able to analyze your competitors’ success and improve your strategy and sales. 

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